
National Child Protection Week

Published Sat 05 Aug 2023

2023 National Child Protection Week will continue to champion the message

 ‘Every child in every community needs a fair go’


This week is National Child Protection Week and the campaign draws focus on educating, engaging and empowering Australians to understand and recognise the complexity of child abuse and neglect, so we can work together to prevent it.

Diving WA are listed as a supporter of National Child Protection Week and have taken a pledged with NAPCAN, Australia’s first secular for purpose organisation to focus entirely on the prevention of child abuse and neglect before it starts.


In keeping with the week and the updated access to the Bruce Prance Dryland Diving Centre and home of Diving WA, we have emailed all memebrs regarding the updated 'Drop off & Pick Up'' flow and also guidelines for parents should they wish to watch the dryland section of training.  We encourage all members to read and become familiar with both documents and contact the team if any queries.

For those familiar with the new dryland facility, you may have noticed a new Notice Board.  We have added new Child Safety visuals for all members to read and become familiar with.  They cover children aged 7 to 12, 13 to 17 and parents.  You may remove them from their hooks to read them, however, please remember to return them.  Alternatively all info can also be found HERE and HERE

We all have a role to play with Child Safety.  This can be achieved by talking with neighbours, checking in with friends, being a good role model, supporting and being kind to parents rather than judging or being competitive, offering to assist where possible and speaking up if you see something that is unsafe.  These may seem like small things but can go a long way to actively make the world a better place for children.  Diving WA values your support with this important initiative


