
Elected Directors at DWA AGM

Published Sat 28 Oct 2023

Diving WA has welcomed the elections of Lincoln Flindell and Jeanne Tan as elected Directors at the Annual General Meeting held this morning.


Lincoln Flindell - Elected Director

Lincoln is a Project Manager in the area of Infrastructure Regulation. Prior to this he has held a number of accounting-based roles in both the public and private sectors. Lincoln holds a Bachelor of Commerce and a Bachelor of Economics from Murdoch University and is a Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand.

Lincoln’s involvement in diving began when his daughter commenced diving in 2020.

Lincoln brings to the board experience in the areas of accounting and finance, strategic planning, governance, and project management. 

Lincoln is keen to ensure that all divers ansd coahces in Diving WA are given the best opportuities to succees and considers that a well-run BOard that leads by example is key to achieving this success.


Jeanne Tan - Elected Director

Jeanne has over 12 years' experience as an accounting and finance professional working across a range of industries including large, listed entities and non-for-profit organisations. Jeanne holds a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Western Australia and is a Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand.

Jeanne joined Diving WA as a Finance and Audit Committee member in 2022. Since joining the Committee, Jeanne has provided finance and accounting advice and worked with management to deliver short to medium-term financial models.

Jeanne enjoys volunteering her professional skills and being part of organisations that enrich the wider community. She understands the benefit of sport and keeping physically and mentally healthy. Outside of work, she enjoys strength training, yoga, snowboarding and has played social sports including volleyball and touch rugby.


Diving WA wishes to thank outgoing Directors Phil Ward and Jaco Rousseau for their service on the Board and to the Diving WA community during their tenure.

